Greenville Mill

Greenville Mill

This mill is the highest up on the Cocalico Creek. It was built on the site of a former carding/fulling and later boring mill. It was converted to a residence in the early 20th century.

1817Jacob Kurtz (carding/fulling mill)
1850George Lutz (boring mill)
1864George Burkholder built a new grist mill
1864Daniel S. Lutz
1869Noah Weinhold
1898M. B. Steffy
1901Eli Steffy
1906Isaac B. Brubaker
1918Kate Brubaker
1927Harvey E. Eberly
c1930Converted to a residence
1933Frank E. Eberly
1944Robert and Anna Bachman
1948Benjamin F. and Christine M. Strong
1955Harry Erny
1955Robert S. and Helen R. Metzler
1958James C. and Martha E. Kelley
1961Robert S. and Florence Law
1971Bill and Barbara M. Solley
1997Barbara M. Solley
2018Frederick J. and Sierra N. Klein

The mill is located at 850 Greenville Road, Denver, PA.

Structure2.5 Story Stone/Frame
Water SourceCocalico Creek
TownshipWest Cocalico
Headrace800 feet
Tailrace60 feet
Dam Height5 feet
Power2 Turbines
Capacity8 bbl / day

Updated: December 20, 2023