Nolt’s Point Mill

Aka Zercher’s Mill

Nolt's Point Mill with Stone Arch bridge in the foreground.

c1738John Davis built a Fulling Mill on Carter’s Run
1750William Davis
1789Willis Davis
1791Conrad Fahnstock
1796Abraham & Catherine Meyer
1802Christian & Elizabeth Kauffman
c1807New Grist Mill built
1812John Michael
1823Jacob Zercher
1838Benjamin Landis
1851John Hess
1857John Miller & Jonas B. Nolt
1867Convered Bridge Built
1869Jonas B. Nolt
1884Samuel M. Nolt
1900Destroyed by fire
Structure3.5 Story Stone
Dimensions40 x 80
Water SourceLititz Run
Headrace200 feet
Tailrace50 feet
Dam Height12 Feet
Power2 Turbines, 1 Overshot
Capacity10 bbl / day

This mill is no longer standing but was located near the Pinetown Covered Bridge.