Windom Mill

Aka Landis Mill

Windom Mill

The Windom mill served as a grist mill, and a cider mill. It produced corn meal to be used in the manufacture of linoleum. Today it is used for farm storage.

1779Samuel Herr
1780Jacob Kauffman
1810Destroyed by fire and rebuilt
1825John Landis
1890Began operating as a cider mill
1894Used as a creamery
1899Windom Post Office opened
1916David H. Landis
1937Nelson S. Landis
1948Grant & Fannie Noll
1949Operations ceased
1956Fannie Noll
1965Paul & Edith Rohrer
1992Ken Rohrer & Sons
Structure3.5 Story Stone
Dimensions40 x 60
Water SourceW. Branch of Little Conestoga
Headrace2,700 feet
Tailrace80 feet
Dam Height4 feet
Power1 Overshot
Capacity10 bbl/day

The mill is located at 3407 Blue Rock Road, Lancaster, PA.

Updated: August 15, 2023