Drumore Mill

Aka Pennock Mill

Today, the mill has been fully renovated and operates as a wedding venue and corporate retreat called Drumore Mill on Harmony. You can find information about the wedding venue on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/Drumoremill/)

The mill is located at 1658 Harmony Ridge Road, Drumore, PA.

1743George McCullough
1748? Cowgill
1752Benjamin Johnson
1759Caleb Johnson
1767Matt McCally, Joseph Morrison
and Samuel Morrison
1769John Nelson
1773Henry Bauman (Bowman)
1789New mill built
1796Jacob Gryder
1817Simon Pennock
1839Robert Pennock
1856Hadly Pennock
1864William Pennock
c1871Granville Pennock
1899J. Edgar Brown
c1900James K. Cramer
1911William H. Cramer
1936William B. Arnold
1988Carl H. & Joan R. Sinz
2013Offered for sale as a residence
2017Drumore Mill on Harmony
Wedding venue
Updated: September 20, 2023
Structure2.5 Story Frame
Water SourceFishing Creek
TypeFlour/Grist / Saw
Headrace30 Feet
Tailrace500 Feet
Dam Height6 Feet
Power1 Turbine, 1 Overshot
Capacity8 bbl / day