On this site you will find articles and images related to the history of Lancaster County Pennsylvania.
I grew up and have lived in Lancaster County Pennsylvania all my life. Lancaster County is a beautiful place and I enjoy photographing that beauty as the seasons pass. The county is also is rich in history. I enjoy tracking down interesting stories from the past and writing about them. This site is a collection of photographs and articles that I post from time to time with stories about Lancaster County history that I find intriguing.
So, grab a cup of coffee, browse the site, and I hope you enjoy some of the topics that interest me. Click on the Mills link in the menu to browse my collection of information about Lancaster County mills. This is being updated all the time so check back for updates. In the blog section you will find articles that I write from time to time about Lancaster County history. Or, you may want to visit my photo gallery under the Photography link.
Featured Articles
Mill Mondays is a collection of 30 articles that feature Lancaster County grist mills. These articles were posted to Facebook every Monday between November 1, 2021 and May 23, 2022. They became the seeds for my book on Lancaster County’s Water-powered Mills.
Lancaster’s Historic Waterway is a collection of five articles highlighting the Conestoga River which flows through Lancaster County.