Galen Hall Mill

Aka Binkley’s Mill

Galen Hall Mill

The Galen Hall mill is the smallest mill in Lancaster County. But because of its classic external overshot wheel and sluice, it was chosen as a model for an exhibit at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893.

c1755John Binkley
1775Henry Binkley
1822Samuel L. Binkley
1845Changed to a fulling mill
1893Benjamin Binkley (Chopping mill)
1910John Lengel built new frame mill
19??Omar Swartz
1940Operations ceased
Structure2.5 Story Stone/Frame
Dimensions24 x 30
Water SourceLittle Cocalico
TownshipWest Cocalico
Headrace300 feet
Tailrace75 feet
Dam Height5 feet
PowerExternal Overshot

The mill is located at 15 Resh Road, Reinholds, PA.