John Moore’s Mill

John Moore's Mill

The remains of John Moore’s Mill sits along Garfield Road south-east of Mount Joy. You might not notice that it is a mill because most of the mill is gone. All that is left is a small building that sits atop the turbine. The turbine still works and is connected to an electrical generator.

1804Martin Greider
1864John H. Moore
1899Martin A. Moore
1905Destroyed by fire
1906Converted to generate
19??Amos Newcomer
1988Generating power for PP&L
2021Diana Hill
Structure3.5 Story Stone
Dimensions45 x 50
Water SourceChickies Creek
Power1 Turbine, 1 Overshot
Headrace500 feet
Tailrace150 feet
Dam Height8 feet
Capacity25 bbl / day

The mill is located at 4035 Garfield Road, Mount Joy, PA.