Smoketown Mill

Aka Gibbon’s Mill/ Nolt’s Mill

Smoketown Mill

The Smoketown Mill is an early Lancaster County mill. It milled flour into the 21st century.

1770James & Deborah Gibbons
1810William & Rachel (Gibbons) Daniel
1829Henry Espenshade
1847Henry Eby & Mark P. Cooper
1854Amos Bushong
1858Isaac Bushong
1895George Bushong & Sons
1900Henry Ressler
1918Edwin Spence
1949Clarence Nolt
1982James Nolt
2004Operations ceased
2013Sara Gilligan Art Gallery
2017John Stevens
2020East Lampeter Township
Structure3.5 Story Stone
Dimensions50 x 60
Water SourceMill Creek
TownshipEast Lampeter
Headrace1,300 feet
Tailrace300 feet
Dam Height6 feet
Power1 Overshot
and 2 turbines
Capacity100 bbl / day

Updated: February 7, 2025

The mill is located at 2549 Old Philadelphia Pike, Bird in Hand, PA.