Clay Roller Mill

Aka Eberly’s Mill

Clay Roller Mill

c1760John Hostetter
1762Peter Weyland
1769Christopher Weyland
1777John Weyland
1779Peter Weyland
1783Jacob Erb
1787Jacob Erb built a new mill.
1810John Erb
1817Isaac Erb
1819John Erb (Isaac’s brother)
1841Hiram Erb
1869Michael S. Eberly
1875Michael Eberly built the current mill.
1919Lewis G. Eberly
1938Closed by Hiram S. Eberly
1939Lulu M. (Eberly) Longenecker
1950Christian S. Oberholtzer
1951Norman Boll
1952Walter A. Herr
1955Clay Feed & Supply Company
1959Harold J. Whitcraft
1992Clay Mill Antiques
2005Perry Whitcraft
Structure3.5 Story Stone/frame
Headrace2,500 feet
Tailrace500 feet
Dam Height5 feet
Power2 Turbines
Capacity24 bbl/day
Water SourceMiddle Creek
WatersourceCocalico Creek
Location40.217903, -76.255372

The mill is in good condition and is being used as an office and for retail.

Updated August 7, 2023