Aka Eberly’s Mill
Year | Owner |
c1760 | John Hostetter |
1762 | Peter Weyland |
1769 | Christopher Weyland |
1777 | John Weyland |
1779 | Peter Weyland |
1783 | Jacob Erb |
1787 | Jacob Erb built a new mill. |
1810 | John Erb |
1817 | Isaac Erb |
1819 | John Erb (Isaac’s brother) |
1841 | Hiram Erb |
1869 | Michael S. Eberly |
1875 | Michael Eberly built the current mill. |
1919 | Lewis G. Eberly |
1938 | Closed by Hiram S. Eberly |
1939 | Lulu M. (Eberly) Longenecker |
1950 | Christian S. Oberholtzer |
1951 | Norman Boll |
1952 | Walter A. Herr |
1955 | Clay Feed & Supply Company |
1959 | Harold J. Whitcraft |
1992 | Clay Mill Antiques |
2005 | Perry Whitcraft |
Built | 1875 |
Structure | 3.5 Story Stone/frame |
Dimensions | 36×48 |
Type | Flour/Grist/Saw |
Headrace | 2,500 feet |
Tailrace | 500 feet |
Dam Height | 5 feet |
Power | 2 Turbines |
Capacity | 24 bbl/day |
SPOOM | PA-036-094 |
Water Source | Middle Creek |
Watersource | Cocalico Creek |
Township | Clay |
Location | 40.217903, -76.255372 |
The mill is in good condition and is being used as an office and for retail.
Updated August 7, 2023