Elstonville Mill

Elstonville Mill

The Elstonville mill is now owned by Hollinger Rentals LLC and is being used for storage.

1789Andrew Herscher (sawmill)
1792Christian Hershey (grist mill)
1801Abraham Herscher
1814Destroyed by fire and rebuilt
1821? Bear
1864Philip Smith
1875Joshua Smith
1917Walter Ruhl
1917Destroyed by fire
1918Rebuilt with one less story
Structure2.5 Story Stone
Dimensions40 x 40
Water SourceChiques Creek
Headrace5,000 feet
Tailrace1,300 feet
Dam Height8 feet
Power2 Overshot
Capacity8 bbl / day

The mill is located at 1661 Lebanon Road (Route 72), Manheim, PA.

Updated December 18, 2023