Herr’s Mill

Aka Lefever’s Mill

Herr's Mill

The mill is part of the Mill Bridge Village Camp Resort and is open for guided tours. Today, the mill sports an external overshot wheel that is not authentic. The covered bridge was removed in 2020 and is now located at Stone Gables Estate near Elizabethtown.

1740John Herr
17??John Herr, Jr.
17??Squire John Herr
1803New stone mill built
1844First covered bridge built
1856Benjamin B. Herr
1885New covered bridge built
1899A. Lincoln Lefever
1924Closed by Lewis Snyder
1966Donald Denlinger
1978Barbara and James Vitale
2004Mill Bridge Village, Inc
2020Covered bridge moved to Stone Gables Estate
2022Let’s Go Camping, LLC
Structure2.5 Story Stone/Frame
Dimensions50 x 75
Water SourcePequea Creek
TypeGrist / Saw
Headrace1,500 feet
Tailrace1,200 Feet
Dam Height8 feet
Power2 Turbines
Capacity25 bbl / day

The mill is located at 100 S. Ronks Road, Ronks, PA.

Updated: January 4, 2024