Aka Pequea Valley Mill/Flory’s Mill
The mill serves as a residence and the owners operate an Air B&B called “The House at Climber’s Run” in what had been the miller’s house. For information see their website at https://www.thehouseatclimbersrun.com/
c1770 | Abraham Keagy |
1780 | Henry Keagy |
1785 | Richard Keagy |
1786 | New mill built by Rudolph Keagy |
1793 | Richard Keagy |
1795 | Abraham Kendig |
c1800 | David Greider |
1824 | John Good |
1864 | A. Groff |
1864 | Destroyed by fire |
1875 | Abraham Harnish |
1879 | John B. Good |
1885 | Samuel & Ella Myer |
1888 | Reuben B. Baker |
c1907 | Benjamin E. Flory |
1920 | Paul Flory |
1923 | Operations ceased |
1923 | Suzanne (Flory) Mc Junkin |
1999 | Made into a private residence by Merle & Carrie Aukamp |
2017 | Brandon & Amanda Clare |
Built | Pre 1770 |
Structure | 3.5 Story Stone |
Dimensions | 30 x 40 |
Water Source | Climber’s Run |
Township | Martic |
Type | Flour/Grist |
Headrace | 5,000 feet |
Tailrace | 300 feet |
Dam Height | 3 feet |
Power | 1 Overshot |
Capacity | 25 bbl / day |
The mill is located at 894 Marticville Road, Pequea, PA.